Meetings open to the public on a topic of local historical interest are held  the second Tuesday of the month.  Meetings are held at the Cornerstone Genealogical Society Library in the adjoining Old Log Courthouse, at 6:00, unless otherwise indicated.  These meetings are live-streamed via a link in the Cornerstone  Genealogical Society facebook group.  Zack Patton is our Program Director.  We welcome program suggestions.

Contact the CGS library at 724-627-5653 for further information and updates.

JANUARY: No meeting.

FEBRUARY: No meeting.

MARCH 11: Native American artifacts, displayed and discussed, from Waynesburg Univ’s collection. Frank Hunter, presenter.

APRIL 8: Stained glass windows of the Washington Street Methodist Church. To be held in the Church sanctuary. Joyce Conklin, presenter.

MAY 13: Waynesburg’s movie theaters, once plentiful. Mary Beth Pastorius, presenter.

JUNE 10: The Rain Day Boys of World War I. Glenn Toothman, prsesenter.

JULY: No meeting.

AUGUST 12: Valley Chapel Cemetery (Jackson Twp) History & Restoration. Jackson Grimes, presenter.

SEPTEMBER 9: Carmichaels Area Historical Society, its mission and projects. Kelly Bates, presenter.

OCTOBER 14 : The Downey House Fire, 100 years past. Zack Patton, presenter.

NOVEMBER 1 (Saturday) 4:00- Annual Membership Meeting and Holiday Banquet.

No DECEMBER Meetings

Contact Us

We are located at the
First Greene County Courthouse – Annex 144 East Greene Street
Waynesburg, Pennsylvania 15370
(Parking is available in designated lot)

Mailing address:
Cornerstone Genealogical Society
P.O. Box 547
Waynesburg, Pennsylvania 15370

Business hours telephone number

Please call for holiday hours before visiting our library.

Find Us and Visit

Library Hours
Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday–1:00 to 5:00 pm

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